Member Only Events, Club Continental Membership Benefits and Application!
We are delighted to have you as a valued Member of The Club Continental. With so many choices for club membership available today, the entire staff and management endeavor to make your every experience with us exceptional. Your Club Continental membership provides you with many invaluable opportunities for entertaining business associates, clients, family, socializing with other members, or just relaxing while enjoying this beautiful waterfront garden setting. A variety of affordable Club Continental Membership packages are offered to suit your individual needs. Find out more about these options by contacting our Membership Office.
Our artistic Chefs create wonderful dishes to satisfy all the senses. Menus change monthly and feature daily specials. We aim to please, so if you have a special request, please don’t hesitate to ask your Server. Menu items are also available as “Take-Out” orders for your convenience.
Lunch: Tue-Fri 11:30-2:00
Dinner: Tue-Fri 6:00-9:00
Sunday Brunch: 11:00-2:00
Brunch | Lunch/Dinner Menu | Dessert | Kid’s Menu | Italian Tuesday Dinner Menu | Wednesday Casual Grill Dinner Menu
Upcoming Events:
Casual Grill Wednesdays with Music by Roger Wood 6:00-9:00pm
Thursday Lunch Specials 11:30-2:00pm
NOTE: Reservations are requested at all times, they allow us to provide the very best in menu selection and service. Dress code is country club casual. No collarless shirts or jeans, please.View Dining Page & Photos
Lunch: Tue-Fri 11:30-2:00
Dinner: Tue-Fri 6:00-9:00
Sunday Brunch: 11:00-2:00
The River House Pub:
Your Club membership also entitles you to River House Pub privileges on a cash or credit card basis. The River House features live entertainment, spirits and a congenial atmosphere where patrons relax and enjoy the pleasure of “river watching” from the decks overlooking the St. Johns River. Hours of operation are Monday through Saturday from 3:00 pm until 1:30 am. Please call 269-5050 for entertainment schedule.

Special Events and Holidays for Members
Your Club has special holiday events and other parties for you throughout the year. Watch your newsletter for dates and times. Reserve early to secure your spot at these fun events.
Events to Watch For:
- Valentine’s Dinner
- St. Patrick’s Day Lunch and Dinner
- Easter Sunday Brunch Buffet
- Mother’s Day Brunch Buffet
- Memorial Day Party/Opening of Pools & Cabana
- Father’s Day
- 4th of July Festivities
- Labor Day and Cabana Closing Party
- Thanksgiving Dinner
- Member’s Holiday Party
- Santa Sunday Brunch

Additional Club Member Offerings:
Pools & Cabana
The Swimming Pools and Cabana officially open Memorial Day with fun, food and activities to kick off the summer season. Lessons and organized activities are available for children and adults. A lifeguard is on duty from early spring until Labor Day, the lifeguard can be reached at 904- 264-6070 Ext. 140. Children aged 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult over age 21.
The Club Continental features seven tennis courts and a Tennis Pro who offers lessons, clinics, organized league play, and assistance in finding a partner. The Tennis Pro Shop can be reached at 904-269-6090. Tennis membership is offered on its own, or can be combined with full club membership.
Attire must include shirts and tennis shoes.
Guests must be accompanied by a member and are subject to a $5 per guest/per day fee. Guests may purchase items from the Cabana with cash only. Member is responsible for all guest charges placed on members account.
The Cabana is open from Memorial Day until Labor Day and offers beverages, burgers, salads and sandwiches. Watch the monthly newsletter for special events at the Cabana throughout the summer season.
Three Pools are offered and designated as Children’s Pool, Family Pool, and Adult Pool. Please note that children are not allowed in the Adult Pool.
Guests must be accompanied by a member and are subject to a guest fee. Please contact the Pro Shop for current rates. Member is responsible for all guest charges placed on Member’s account.
Lights for night play are provided on courts six and seven. Please remember to turn off the lights when you are finished.
League Play is available through the Club’s membership with the Country Club League. We welcome players of all abilities. Contact our Tennis Pro and view our Tennis page for more information.
More About Club Benefits:
Monthly Newsletter
A monthly newsletter keeps members informed of upcoming events such as special holiday functions, musical evenings, and a variety of member parties. Newsletters are mailed the first week of each month and can also be viewed and downloaded via the link near the top of this page.
Private Parties
Your Club is available for your private entertainment needs whether hosting an intimate dinner for eight or a gala for three hundred. Saturdays and Sunday evenings are reserved exclusively for larger private events. As a valued Member, you will receive discounted rental rates for business meetings and private parties. For more information please view our Event Facility page and contact our Banquet Department for additional info or to inquire.
Guest Accommodations
The Club Continental boasts twenty-two overnight guest rooms, with all but one offering a beautiful view of the St. Johns River. Breakfast is served in the Main Dining Room each morning. Club Members enjoy a 10% discount off standard room rates. View guest rooms, then make reservations online or by calling the Suites Office.
Monthly Statements
The Club Continental follows the southern tradition of most private member clubs. The custom of signing for your charges in one month, and being billed for them the following month reflects not only the southern view of hospitality, but also the cultural attitude regarding a way of life and of doing business.
Statements are mailed the first week of each month reflecting the tangible charges for the previous month or monthly minimum, along with your current monthly dues. Payment in full is due upon receipt of the statement. Member payments are delinquent if not received prior to the last business day of the month, and will be assessed an additional finance charge of 1.5%.
Board of Governors
Your Club’s Advisory Board meets the second Tuesday of each month. The Board welcomes fellow Member comments, ideas, and volunteers for special projects and events. Letters or messages to the Board’s attention may be dropped off at the Club.
The Annual Membership Meeting and elections to the Board are held each January. Watch your newsletter for the time and date.
Download a membership application now!
For more information concerning this very affordable membership, please call Debra at (904) 264-6070, or email